Preparing for Surgery

It is normal to feel some apprehension prior to your surgery. We feel it is important to inform you of what you can expect to help alleviate some of your fears before your surgery.  Your physician’s office will provide you with a packet of information about your upcoming surgery. The information included in the packet is also outlined on our website. If at any time you have questions, please feel free to contact us at 651.702.7400.

You will be given your surgery and arrival times two days prior to your surgery date. If you have not been contacted please call us between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 651.702.7400 You can also call toll free at 866.328.4490.

**If you wish to visit our facility before surgery, please call 651.702.7400 to set up an appointment.

 Download the Patient Guide to Surgery